How you can promote Renewable Fuels Month! 

  • Fuel up with ethanol and biodiesel! Learn about the right blend for your vehicle and find retailers near you at and
  • Educate others. Biofuels touch on many areas of learning, including science, agriculture, technology, and environmentalism. Share with your local chambers, city offices, fuel retailers, and other organizations you are participating and see how your community can collaborate
  • Share the webpage and other social posts from Nebraska biofuel organizations, including the Nebraska Ethanol Board, Renewable Fuels NebraskaNebraska Corn Board, and Nebraska Soybean Board.
  • Create social media posts or events that educate about filling up with biofuels. 
Renewable Fuels Month Toolkit

Fueled by Nebraska will lead the promotion of Renewable Fuels Month via its website and Facebook page. However, we encourage you to share content on your organization’s platforms from Fueled by Nebraska and its partner pages.

  • When posting on social platforms, be sure that each post includes a visual element of some kind (video, infographic, photo, or other image).

  • The following hashtag(s) are associated with Renewable Fuels Month: #FueledbyNebraska #ChooseEthanol


This Renewable Fuels Month toolkit contains information and resources to push out and amplify your message about the importance of using renewable fuels. If you have questions, comments, or want to share pictures, please email Jessica

Renewable Fuels Month social media covers

Renewable Fuels Month partner websites

Renewable Fuels Month posters

Young driver 'How to Pump Gas' ethanol handout